Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Welcome to My School Pet

Hello. Welcome to My School Pet. We are just getting started so check back often to see things progress. We'll be uploading pictures of our different animals and adding links for learning about them.

The goal of My School Pet is to let everyone enjoy the experience of spending time with a pet but avoiding the pitfalls that sometimes happen with full-time pet ownership. It is very common for someone to get excited about getting a pet only to have 'buyers remorse' a couple of weeks down the road. Now what do you do with this pet? Usually the pet ends up becoming a chore. Or maybe the animal wasn't a good match for your family. Maybe you discover an allergy you never knew you had. Maybe you find that all those good intentions of "I promise I'll take care of it!" aren't lived up to and the pet now becomes your pet. Another common scenario is that a child realizes they would rather have gotten a _______ instead (insert a different pet here).
Whatever the situation is the problem remains that you spent good money on a pet, supplies and food to take care of it and now you don't know what to do with it.
That's where My School Pet hopes to help out. We want animals getting plenty of love and attention so we've come up with a plan.
Come and 'check out' a pet for a week. Let your children play to their heart's content and learn all about this wonderful friend. Then, at the end of a week the excitement will be just about gone and you bring them back. We will supply all of the food, bedding and information to care for the pet during the week. Your job is just to have fun.
Then if you had a good experience you can pick out another friend to enjoy for the next week. If you are going on vacation then no problem, you don't take a friend home that week. Normally if you owned a pet you would have to pay someone to take care of your animal while you were gone.
If you are interested in having your children continue learning over the summer this is the perfect thing. They can learn about so many things each time they get a pet. For example, when you take home the hermit crabs, we have information all about molting, exoskeletons, classifying animals etc. Imagine your children wanting to learn science over the summer. Then the next week it's on to amphibians where they learn about cold-blooded animals and the life cycles of a frog, toad or turtle. We have books, activities and learning sheets that come with the animal. You can follow that up with a visit to the library for books about the animal as well.
So, if this sounds like it solves any problems for you (i.e. can we please, please get a pet??) then drop us a line and we'll send you more information on how to get started. email us at

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